Domestic Violence Education



Do you want to learn how to identify red flags in a relationship?

Did you know there are different types of abuse?

(Physical, emotional, verbal, psychological, sexual, financial)

How does domestic violence affect the lives of your children?

What is the cycle of abuse in a relationship?


The Domestic Violence Education Class for women meets at Angela’s Piazza every Monday from 4-5pm.  There is a one-time fee of $25. While this program is a women’s group, we understand that men still need this service as well. If you are a man and in need of this education class, please call (406)255-0611 and you can arrange a one-on-one meeting with staff.

 Learn about the cycle of violence, how to recognize the characteristics of an abuser, how violence affects children, how to create a safety plan, and more.

 This class is ongoing, so participants can start on any week and attend for 12 straight weeks to take in each of the lessons. 

A Certificate of Completion is available when all 12 lessons have been completed.